Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kennedy and Health Care...

Since Kennedy passed away there has been speculation of health care. I told my neice when she was here in America that he was doomed to die within three years of the prognosis of the brain tumor and that the news following would border on the health care issue. I hate being right, but then again it is the way our government works. Only one person has a good idea and no one backs them up... Funeral details of this event
It is the problem where we made a bigger deal of the death of Micheal Jackson than the death of Kennedy...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What is a POG?...

I have been a little busy, working to get things set on my end and finally got a preview of the site, but then nothing is definite until the final inspection that I have to do with the site.  Being in a good mood seeing things starting to progress; went searching around the net for something interesting and found the Pog and of course I'm left speechless.  You have to check the link to see what I mean.  You'll even end up a new term like c.p.g "Creative Pet Grooming" or reading the rest the page or viewing the galleries, yes pets do have bad hair day with or without their owners consent...