Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Loan Modifications and You, JOBs, and Christmas

Loan Modification 101

Have the banks been giving you the run around for what the American President promised the public?  Did he lie or have you become discouraged or just plain frustrated by the whole ordeal.

The Link to the YouTube page if you like Grace Tilly...

Well the president didn't lie or back down from his promise. Its just that the banks don't want to give you the "Loan Modification" due to the fact they would loose money. Imagine the banks losing money when they really own everything, in fact they own about 90% if not more of the populations everything, in fact you don't really own anything that would necessitate being buried with that item, else graves yards would be junk yards with peoples' cars, houses, mobile homes, trailers, 1957 Cherry Apple Red Chevy, GTO, Corvette, favorite pet, favorite body part sticking out of the ground. :-; I think you get the idea, but why are the banks making such a fuss, is it because we are a so called capitalist society, are they really scared that we are heading to a global economy, will the dollar disappear only to become another currency. Time will only tell, and I don't think anyone has the complete picture or else they would be trillionaires by now, and the world governments would colllapse if anyone did know.

So here is what you need to do to get the "Loan Modification" you always wanted.

1. Do the Hardship letter. No Lawyer. No Fees.
2. Stop Paying for three months and see what the bank offers.
3. Accept the offer when your satisfied.

Your Credit Rating does not affect your job placement or your security level. George Bush did not have the best credit rating and he still became president.

If the you don't like the offer then make them wait, the guarantee is that the banks will harass you and do everything to make you leave or pay, but I don't believe they can have the police come to your property for at least a year, otherwise America would have a problem come December of 2010 due to the lack of police because they are chasing people from their homes in the middle of winter. Imagine the chaos, or the newspaper ad, "Join the police force making minimum wage, with no promise of a job future, so you can chase people from their homes in the middle of winter. Apply now if you or someone you know has retuned from Afganistan, and found Bin Laddin alive a well, brought him into custody, with his porta-dialysis, and have been innoculated with a mercury based vaccine for the swine flu, that has a fifty-fifty chance of killing you in the next 15 years, 401K plan offered, benefits and such, all payable if you reach age 80", especially when you probably heard of certain municipalities doing cutbacks on almost everything from police, fire fighters, unemployment staff, roads, sidewalks, lighting, social services, food stamps, wages, hours worked, etc...

But in the interest of saving a few dollars you might want to try this Car Insurance. The plan is really simple. If you went to College find out who they are affiliated with and then file out this form. Get an Estimated Quote for your area, prices will pretty much be the same until you put in your phone number and the insurance companies start calling you like mad. In other words they will compete for your business, but don't accept until they have stopped calling, which should take about three months. When they call ask them if they offfer a discount for going to College or University or for taking a defensive driving course for attending a certain Highschool. You'll be surpised at some of the responses...

If you are looking for a job I have a PDF for applying for a government job. In most cases don't expect to be working in DC, but do expect to be called by a State agency. Since the PDF is too large to put up on the any hosted site I offer this snippet and an email address that I can can emailed. bobeight@aol.com. In the title put "Fed PDF" and I'll reply to your email.

For more information about the application process, contact the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. This office has created several publications for jobseekers. It also publishes employment regulations, job descriptions, qualifications manuals, and statistics about Federal employment.

U. S. Office of Personnel Management
1900 E St. NW.
Washington, DC 20415-0001
(202) 606-1800
TTY: (202) 606-2532
(Employment information site: http://www.opm.usajobs.gov)

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management also maintains websites for specific types of jobseekers:
http://www.studentjobs.gov provides information about jobs for students.
http://www.opm.gov/disability provides information tailored to applicants who are disabled.

and last but not least someone ask me to find a Christmas song that symbolized Christmas, but didn't offend any race, color or creed. And so after two weeks in TN, thinking of this problem, with limited access to internet except my phone. I have a video of something from youtube.com which is displayed on the left. If you wish you can follow me I will be working to do something on MySpace, Twitter or FaceBook, but still haven't decided which.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The best of your FriendFeed for Sunday, November 1

The entries below were popular among your friends today. You are receiving this FriendFeed digest daily. You can receive it less frequently or unsubscribe in your email preferences.
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) - http://scobleizer.com/2009/10/31/why-i-switch-services/#comment-21536174

Thomas Power liked this

"It's pretty clear that you are NOT listening. Tell me again where the people are on: http://twitter.com/Scobleizer/tech-news-brands HINT: THERE ARE NO PEOPLE!!! These are news brands. Now, tell me again, what is different from that or my tech news brand folder in Google Reader? Not much. Except Google Reader takes my account more than a minute to start up." - Robert Scoble

If Google Reader started up for you in a second or so, would you go back to it? Or would you still prefer the way information is presented to you using Twitter? - Gee Ranasinha
Ken Camp
Ken Camp (Robert Scoble liked this)
Geek And Poke: How To Be Sensitive With Twitter Lists [Why be sensitive? Be REAL] - http://geekandpoke.typepad.com/geekandpoke/2009/11/how-to-be-sensitive-with-twitter-lists-cartoon-no-1000.html
Geek And Poke: How To Be Sensitive With Twitter Lists [Why be sensitive? Be REAL]

Robert Scoble, Jack and Sheryl liked this

"How To Be Sensitive With Twitter Lists" - Ken Camp
Marshall Kirkpatrick
Marshall Kirkpatrick (Robert Scoble commented on this)
if Twitter lists = the new authority & Obama is only person more "important" than Pete Cashmore, then all hope is lost. http://bit.ly/JVhHP

Atul Arora liked this

Ha. :) - Louis Gray

Authority is NOT how many lists you are on. - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: The Rules Have Changed: Follow ALL Your Twitter Followers Today - http://personalbranding101.com/new-rule-follow-your-twitter-followers#comment-21521849

Susan Beebe liked this

"Yes, I still would have deleted everyone. Following back automatically is incredibly lame and shallow. It is NOT a matter of respect. I don't feel any better when someone autofollows me back. It totally messes up your account, too, and invites spammers into your DMs. I don't get spam anymore. I used to get tons of it. And now you've revealed yourself as two-faced anyways. I'd rather people just be honest with me and say "no, I'm not interested in what you write." I really don't understand this belief that you are helping someone by following them back." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"You should follow http://twitter.com/Scobleizer/tech-news-brands -- no mess, no fuss. Or, even better, http://www.techmeme.com/ -- you'll get more out of that than following just loudmouth blogs like mine." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) - http://scobleizer.com/2009/10/31/why-i-switch-services/#comment-21535750

"Not true. It's the friends that slow it down. Even the team acknowledges this." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) - http://scobleizer.com/2009/10/31/why-i-switch-services/#comment-21535887

"I love those things about Google Reader but I got over them. Mostly because I have switched from using a desktop computer to using my iPhone for most of my reading." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) - http://scobleizer.com/2009/10/31/why-i-switch-services/#comment-21535804

"Yes, now try to do that 1,500 times when the page refreshes take forever. Sigh." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) - http://scobleizer.com/2009/10/31/why-i-switch-services/#comment-21536090

"Small businesses? Twitter's lists can be used to curate their partners together. Or their favorite customers. Or their favorite tools. I'm using it at Rackspace to demonstrate that I'm following the web hosting industry, for instance. We're also keeping a list of all employees, which makes us more accessible. We also have multiple Twitter accounts, so we are keeping a list of that. And so on and so forth." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"Yes, it sort of is an endorsement. I'm making a list of hosting companies and information sources about hosting companies. By putting companies and people there I am endorsing them and when Rackspace makes its list it will be endorsing them in a way. Luckily we have great competitors worth endorsing." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) - http://scobleizer.com/2009/10/31/why-i-switch-services/#comment-21535982

"Lists are a new feature that Twitter turned on on Friday. You can see lists on my account at http://www.twitter.com/scobleizer/lists -- they are really groups, but are public so you can look at the output of those lists. Click through a few and you'll start to see how powerful they are." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"My lists aren't finished yet and never will be. I aim to have the most complete lists, though, and if you think someone should be on my lists you can DM me." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"I'm hurt by people who are faking their inclusion by me more in the long run than if people are honest and leave me off of lists that I don't deserve to be on. Let's be honest, I WILL be hurt that I'm left off of your "best golfers of all time" list. I WOULD love to be on that list. Thing is, I don't deserve to be on it and if you put me on it you'll make your list suck. That said, you're on my favorite geek mommy list and you are on my most important list: the list of people I follow. I read that first before I read any of my lists. Oh, and I'm not done building lists yet. I'm only about 10% done going through my 12,000 followings." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) - http://scobleizer.com/2009/10/31/why-i-switch-services/#comment-21535834

"I do a LOT of my feed reading on my iPhone. I didn't realize Firefox would work there. Hint, it does not. So Feedly does NOT work for me. On my desktops I don't use Firefox either. Google Chrome is better." - Robert Scoble
This email digest is brought to you by FriendFeed. Unsubscribe from FriendFeed emails.
FriendFeed Inc., 313 W. Evelyn Ave., Mountain View, CA 94041

Xmas around the corner do you have a plan... I do...

Halloween is almost upon us and then Christmas and as usual it hits us by surprise.  Why does it happen you ask, well blame it on the pilgrims why couldn't they pick a better time for Thanksgiving.  Were they wanting to spring Christmas a month earlier, if so then was it a desperate attempt to befriend the local natives before the first snowfall.  We all heard the stories of the first Thanksgiving, but has it fallen away into a distant fog of those grammar school days.  After Thanksgiving comes 'Black Friday' a family activity with our loves one's the Christmas pre-sale, the moment that people either head to the stores in droves, or go buy a Tree or decorations to set the festive mood in motion.

Well I just can't wait for the festivities to begin, I need some holiday cheer after morning my cousins death for about 15 years.  Yes, I know it seems and awfly long time to be morning someone, but then we were like brothers growing up together, which explains little or nothing, you see my cousin was the type that found laughter and joy in everything being the times good or bad, nothing really got him down, he always laughed...

Xmas around the corner and it will come fast and ferious since the economy will start to pick up again, people will be entering new jobs, getting acclimated to the new environment. Exhaustion from trying so hard the first 90days on the job, and catching up with the bills, and wondering if anyone will give you a break.

Well I decided that maybe that break needs to come sooner than later.  Sooner since it will put everything back into motion again, by your purchase your giving someone beside myself, a job, something to do this holiday.  In fact sales figures for halloween have pretty much flatlined, sales were non-existant for the most part and no one is buying.  In fact the two companies that made great sales in my area were giving away bags of selling gold and Lord & Taylor, which fired half its workers, reduced the hours of the other half, took away thier benifits, and then did a family day with the staff they had left.  And this season when you shop your going to experience the same thing, never-ending lines, people fitting over merchandise in the stores, dark parking lots, less than adequate security, lots of cars broken into since some people will do anything to survive, and exhausted sales associates that won't go any faster at the checkout counter, because after so many hours, only rest would really help.

My solution would be to shop at you own pace, don't worry that the news is not reporting local crimes, just buy the Sunday paper and take a look, you might see something weird, dis-information.  Then visit you local court house and find thier schedule full, yes cases are now beyond the six month waiting list, to process a loan re-negotiation it is now taking Wells Fargo and Union Trust over a year before a court date.  Wells Fargo and Union Trust are giving customers 3 days from mailing to receive documentation of hardship, big business is doing everything to make the President look bad.  And the lists of things going wrong just gets longer, but thats because our previous President never cared about us and let things go to congress.  The reason for "CSPAN" broadcasting congressman passing new laws, but the congressman saying, "You don't have to read the articles of the bill", when did Americans lose the right to know about new laws passed in congress, and congressmen will continue to do this for the next two years, until the president finds out, but they kept him busy on other issues, the big smoke screen.

And then my solution would be to be cautious and look at what is waiting, what is happenning and realize, you can shop in the comfort and safety of your home day or night, begin your holiday shopping early, do it in stages and on a budget, so you don't have to rush, first your holiday decorations, then your xmas wish list, then the unexpected visitor wish list.  This will keep your costs down, your stress level low, and hopefully you can avoid from being a victum of the your local mall.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Affordable Healthcare

I am unemployed and everyday I search for a method for a solution.  The news giving conflicting information, as these were the affects of the Bush administration, the O'bama administration trying to promote an affordable solution that already exists.  The world turned upside down with NJ declaring bankruptcy can anyone really win in these times.
Well the solution is not that far, I neither work nor have any association with products or services that I suggest, so I have nothing to lose because I myself have not tried them, but with combined effort I beleve there is a solution.  I will post this message to my blog, drive traffic and hopefully, someone will comment and recommend something better, or tell someone else, and maybe they will have the information, at the moment I have several ways that you can contribute to this cause, but in all cases you contribute by reading these words and recommending me to someone else.  If you decide to contribute more than you buy a clickbank product, buy something at DorothysAttic.com for Christmas, or just read, but always be responsible with your spending.  I could leave everything automated, but refuse since I want shopping to be a personal and social experience i.e. I have a chat window for colaboration of gift ideas.  I realize this sounds daunting, but then again everything in life requires effort.
My experince is the following, and I don't think anyone else hasn't been in this position, but then you have to worry about paying for healthcare.  And here goes the facts, you don't have to pay for continued healthcare, because while you were working you were paying into Medicaid and Medicare.  At a certain age you qualify for Medicaid, but for Medicare you qualify just by existing, for years hospital clinics have been attending to the poor without coverage for a minimal fee, every hospital charges differently, but can not refuse you service, they will even put you on a payment plan if you can't pay.  And we have the president promoting socialized medicine when we always had it, just that we didn't realize we already did, sounds like a smoke screen about nothing and we as citizens are paying him to say nothing.  So my surprise the other day that I get a call from HealthCare One wanting to charge me healthcare coverage for $69.95, thier service works for small business because its affordable, 800-360-5779, but then again the new healthcare law really means having to pay for Medicaid and Medicare contributions.  Many small businesses will get suckered by the insurance companies, since they lost a good amount of business from the layoffs.  The president made a real mistake by creating layoffs, he was better off following Mexico and just doing a National Holiday, but then again this is what we elected, we elected a national recession and bailout package where the taxpayer ends up paying the debt.  And at this moment the president is on CNN, giving a speech, and solving nothing.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

OzModius - "Split Infinity"

Split Infinity

10/11/1985 OzModius 10:00pm

"Your journey begins today, we
have done all we can do to solve the problem, but nothing has worked
and nothing else can be done."

"You mean you created a problem
which you can not fix and you failed, and now I have to live with the
consequences, of the problem you created. Have you ever heard of

"Yes, and I realize that I will
have to pay an awful price for what I have done. Especially since
N.L.C.F. created the damage and I am a daughter of the order."

"So your order created the problem
and now you can't even save yourself, sounds like your plans were
intentional and manipulative, to the extent you left no room for

"All I can offer is my apologies
and a phone call, but she won't remember the call. The phone rings."
she picks up the phone and says, "Happy Birthday, do you mind speaking
to my guest while I go to the powder room.", but she doesn't leave the
room, she quietly monitors the phone conversation.


"Happy day of birth (spanish)" the
person at the other end gigles and asks, "you don't speak spanish
much?" and I explained to her that my parents had a long ancestry and
so any other language other than english is a second language and so
with any language, practice make perfect. In the middle of the
conversation I asked "Are you ready for this?", but S.i.s.a pulled the
phone from my hands.

"She doesn't know, and will have
no idea whats happening until its too late and the time loop has
started again, all I can do is offer my apollogies to you, your
friends, and your family."

"Your appollogy is unacceptable
until you pay for your crimes, but then again N.L.C.F. will fall under
its own weight and your existance will become null and void, is that
what you really wanted, or was it a chance to live or was it just a
rouse so you can try to redeem yourself?"

"Just leave." Not a tear in her
eye, not even a sign of moistness in her eye, for she was a malicious
soul from the order of N.L.C.F. which was going to pay for her crimes
in the future, because she was looking for a way out.

1995 Father's Day M.I.L.A

"Globalization does not work, that's the basis of my thesis. It cost
me a year to compile"


"And of course your teachers were satisfied with the proofs you
gave, because that explains what will be happening inside of this
country of Ecuador. Like this restaurant the "The Crater", but the
reasons go much deeper than that. What is really on your mind?" She
blushed knowing I noticed her idle chit chat. There was a reason behind
this excursion, yes a motive, a plot which was unfolding after my
cousin's death on Christmas day 1993. My brother, her, her sister, and
my cousin, which had confessed to the plot on the eve of his death.
Maybe he told me, because he knew he was going to die, and the last
persons that he would see that day, was my brother and I. M.I.L.A. had
turned sheep white and grimaced at the scene behind me.

"I hate that man, and I hate what he's doing. Imagine his daughter
making herself like the first lady, being that her mother died several
years ago. Now he has to come here today and spoil our lunch date, and
also this moment."

I watched the black limousines with the Ecuadorian flags come up the
hill with a full military entourage, a film crew, reporters and
musicians. the hostess walked out the front door and welcomed the
president and his daughter and he walked passed into the restaurant and
said, "Thank you for being here, and excuse the interuption, but I wish
you all enjoy this momentus occasion this Father's day, and I wish that
you all enjoy the food and this historic occassion." President Majil
with his entourage walked into the next room.

"Ugh, I can't stand him, I don't know why I voted for him." Violin
strings and a harp started playing and M.I.L.A's face grew redder with
rage. "The reason behind this excursion was because I need to tell you
something...", but then the waitress came and delivered our food orders
when she was about to reveal her reasons for the excursion.


"We are on this date because you lost another bet and your married
is that right?"

"You were supposed to be a booty call, but then I fell in love with
you and now I can't do it anymore"

"You really mean your husband is in the country, and he bet that I
couldn't do something amazing within 48 hours of being in this country,
but in order to save me you found out that the president was having
lunch in this restaurant, and have arranged everything hoping to save
my life, but he has already planned a scene for a party that I will be
attending tomorrow night."

"My husband is dangerous, and well we had an open marriage until I
fell in love with you, now he justs wants to kill you..."


"But he won't kill me, he may throw a punch, but then again he won't
be able to throw another without misssing and putting his own life in
danger in the process..."

"You don't know my husband he's insane with anger when it comes to
me, and on top of it all he's muslim. They don't believe in the wife
asking for divorce, but it's ok for the husband."

"But you hate your husband, ever since you walked in on him and
found him making love to your sister..."

"How did you know about that..."


"I saw him playing soccer before I left, and he was bragging about
sleeping with your sister, and right in front of my brothers face. The
information left him sick to his stomach, to the extent that it is the
reason behind me telling you that I don't want our affair to involve
your sister or my brother, they are a match made in heaven, using
everyone around them as scapeghosts, but then again my married brother
has another girlfriend and his wife has grown suspicous."

"Now I'm really worried..."

"Look, we could worry ourselves to death, but then again we can
enjoy this meal and this moment, just give me a moment to figure out
what needs to be done next. And don't worry about the party; I have
everything under control since everything I need will be at the

"But what about your brother's wife, won't she cause trouble for


"Of course she will, I'm counting on the fact she will, always
making me look like the bad influence when my brother is really the bad
influence seeking to gain my parents love, and thier wealth, my poor
parents will never know what hits them until thier in it too deep,
trying to save a failing marriage. I knew this months after my brother
got married and ran away to California. The way he's going he is bound
to repeat his actions again..."

M.I.L.A looked frightened, but after a few short breaths she calmed
down, and her hands stoppped shaking while picking up her fork. "How do
you feel about going out dancing and folkoric music?"

"I'm open to many things...", At that moment the president came over
to our table shook my hand, noticed my accent and asked, "who are you?"
I looked at him in surprise as I noticed he wanted to have a
conversation with me, "I'm here on vacation, visiting the birthplace of
my parents, and enjoying the place, the people and the culture. I've
been here less than forty-eight (48) hours and I'm already meeting the
president, and I only really came to see the progress of the
'Restoration Project of Santo Domingo' and my uncle, but will be
spending more time with my grand-parents." The president looked
impressed and asked, "What hand did you have in the project?" and in
response I said, "I didn't do much, but taught a teacher how to use the
software available, created a course outline, so that others could be
taught, and saved the project from having to send everyone for training
to America to take a $20,000 course each person...", the project had
about 500-1000 people involved. "...I didn't ask for any monetary
payment, but asked for a plaque honering me for my contribution, this I
did so that the project wouldn't go bankrupt, giving birth to a new
industry, but only time will tell if everything will workout in the
end." The president turned to his daughter and said, "May I introduce
my daughter Daniel" and I replied "Mucho Gusto...", meaning "With
pleasure" or "Enchanted", she kissed me on the check and wispered to
her father in her ear. The president asked, "Are you single?", and I
replied, "I don't really know, me and my date and I were discussing
that before you came over, and I really don't know, but I will be at
Andy's birthday party tomorrow night, will your daughter be attending
the party?", Daniel knodded and said, "Hasta pronto..." meaning "Soon"
or "eventually on a positive note", and smiled and left; the president
shook my hand one last time and the reporters took pictures and the
film crews filmed a ten second scene.

She looked nervous and said, "You know we will be on the news
tonight. Now my husband will really want to kill you..."


"You worry too much, Daniel will show up to the party, body gaurds
in hand and your husband and the idea of guns or bloodshed will be the
last thing he has to worry about, but back to the topic at hand. Are
you still my girlfriend, lover or other?"

"You are either the bravest person I know or crazy, I don't know
which, but I love you and I can't let you go..."

"So from now on we don't talk about you being married, we avoid the
hostilities that my brother, his wife, your sister and thier triangle,
and try to make the best that life has to offer because that is all we
have to give each other."

"I understand about the thing about what life has to offer, but I
don't understand what you mean with the rest."


"I'll tell you after the dance, when we have some time to seriously
discuss the matter further, but we have to get going because I have
dinner to attend shortly, you have to get back to your husband who is
furious at the moment. Just when you get home don't turn on the TV
until after the news. The camera had a CNN logo on the side."


"Hi Cuz, how was your lunch date?"


"It went fine, what time is it, nevermind just turn on the TV." My
cousin walked over to the TV and turned it on and walked back to where
I was, "You know I have outdone myself again, I have gotten myself into
trouble again, and this time by having lunch with the president and his
daughter, she even kissed me on the check."

"You're here less than 48 hours and your meeting the president...",
I started to walk over to the television as the commercial was
finishing, and the newscaster began saying, "Good evening and in todays
top story's the President and his daughter...", I chimed in, "at 'The
Crater'...", and all my cousin could say was "Oh my God" after every
scene, because that night was the launch of CNN international where top
stories would be rebroadcasted, with me and M.I.L.A beside the
President and his daughter Daniel for the whole world, he looked at me
concerned and said, "When you get in trouble you let the whole world
know about it."

"I don't think anyone can live this down, but I will try to not let
it interfer with my life..."

"People, have been trying to get reservations to that restaurant for
weeks knowing the president was going to have lunch thier, how the hell
did you get past security."


"I didn't they just ran a security check by runnning my credit card
where they got all my information, they made us wait an hour for the
president and cleared the restaurant for the rest of the couples
attending. The scene was sureal as if you knew you were being watched,
but that's the least of my worries. I have to get ready for a birthday
party tomorrow and don't feel much like eating at the moment."

"Birthday party tomorrow, why wasn't I invited?"

"You can come along as long as your brother permits, it will be
exciting with Daniel showing up at the party, of course you didn't hear
it from me..."

"She's going to the party? Man you live a complicated life."


"I counting on the rumor she will attend, she might not, but if she
really diggs me, she'll make every effort to make it to the party."
With that my cousin left as he saw me put my plate away for eating

to Readme

Monday, September 28, 2009

OzModius - 2003/9/28 - 01:19

In CT over my brother in law.  People may wonder what the heck I'm doing in CT, but then we had a conversation about how every couple before they get married always forget to have The Mantle piece, but then again it isn't a hard thing to do, just like writing this blog.  I have written this entry in about five minutes, just let my thoughts and feeling flow.  Let gift giving flow from within and be optimistic.

A little inspiraton to the buyer who wrote she wanted something for under $25.00 for the couple that has everything.  A few years ago I had the pleasure of visiting J.F.Kennedy space center in Cape Canerveral, Florida.  I gave my older brother for Christmas the one thing we were not able to buy when we first went to the Space Center and that happen to be the Space Blanket it cost $2.50, but the tears in his eyes were priceless; especially since it was in front of family.  Also I gave him another gift, which while had no real bearing now has been significant, because he wears it everyday, because he remembers the space blanket.

Nothing is impossible unless you give in ...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Anime Girls - Unfaithful

The lyrics tell a powerful story, and the anime is superb. One of these days I will have to write the reasons for such a pleasure with anime, but for now you have a video behind another story which will leave you thinking.  Thinking is one thing, acting is another, a measured event avoids the inevitable, but causes resentment and jealousy.

Friday, September 25, 2009

OzModius - September 2008 - The Mantle Piece

September is one of the months that either has two important events, the winding down of the summer wedding season or the kids going back to school. Some couples like the September wedding because kids can't attend if the wedding has mostly 99.9% adults and one or two children. And so you now have one of the reasons for the September wedding, but also the best reason has to be price, especially if your have four seasons like the East Coast. The West Coast can pretty much have weddings year round with some months not good for beach weddings; Florida, Texas, Louisiana and Arizona really seams to have two or three climates hot, hotter, and tornado depending on the geographical area and if your facing the gulf. But no matter where you live there still is the struggle that you have finding the perfect wedding gift.

You get the invitation to the wedding and carefully open the invitation and get the usual, which is the invitation and the stores the couple has registered for the gifts. I don't know about you, but both buying and registering for gifts are just as arduous, each event costs me 20 hours of hunting, which does not seem bad if your single, but if your married you have to practice time management. In which case; when you receive the wedding invitation; your hoping its for next month and not two months away, with two months everyone just procrastinates and then as a coordinated mafia hit, waits for that special weekend, and proceeds to purchase the same gift. Its like trying to book a business trip in the middle of "Spring Break".

Fortunately I have had the experience of the September wedding and this is how it went. Received the invitation to the wedding, but no bridal registry, so I asked my friend what he wanted, he just said "...just get me whatever, you always come up with something good, and do you have a date?", I told him "Yes, I'll have to see if my mistress (form of address) is available for the wedding." I asked Mila if she was available for the wedding, saying, "what should I wear..." soon after both questions were answered I was out buying and evening dress and a wedding gift. One of my friends offered a nice cocktail dress, which fit Mila perfectly. I never told her it was my friends prom dress, but the less she new the better. I spent close to forty hours with the dress and finding the present.

I hunted and hunted and always came up short, but then I remember my friend mentioned having a fire place and his soon to be wife joking about how a NFL boble head figurine is not a mantle piece, the first item as far as a mantle piece was an elephant and cub, but then that didn't bode to well since non of them elephants brought then any luck, so I went searching more and found something that look like sea world encarnate, but then that did not do, I even saw a tiny Budha but somethign wasn't right, so I started over again at another store and then I found it. A crystal ornament with a hole set for a a time piece, yet no time piece when I checked the package, ran back to the store, returned the clock and asked the clerk if they had something simular with a clock. "Yes, we have something simulare, but its a little smaller than what your looking for...", I asked her to show me, and told her it what I was looking for.

The next day the wedding and me rushing from CT to NY to pick up Mila, and the three hour tour like Gilligans Island, thankfully I had Mila to talk my head off driving to the wedding. All went well getting to the wedding on time, but the weather turned and so the whole thing was moved indoors, imagine snow flurrys during indian summer, but the party had good music, booze, and dancing. Towards the end of the night I had to drive Mila home, I said my good-byes to everyone, the bride asked me to one side and said, "I opened your present, how did you know...", I put my finger to my lips and said, "there are stranger things that happen in this universe everyday, just be happy I can't give a gift without putting my heart and soul into it...". With that she gave me a bear hug and a kiss and we said our farwells, On the way out my friend shook my hand and said the same thing as his wife, I just looked at him and said, "asked your wife what she just told me and I'll speak to you tomorrow.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Busy weeks in preparation for holidays...

I love the holidays because the shopping deals are like no other time of the year. In a conversation with one of my marketing guys he was stating that people were scared last year to buy anything in fear of the new president, but he is expecting this christmas season to prosper with last minute shopping. I thought about this hard, overwhelmed with the idea that a web store needs to keep its web page static for at least six months to become popular and let the word out. I am hoping to offer my customers these unique products before everyone starts to go into a short production haul. What is a short production haul? A term used in retail related to the "black friday" estimates, but most retailers have a friends and family shopping nights a week or two before Thanksgiving as an experiment.  The products you see during the month of October in the stores is the merchandise you will see for Christmas; and for the month of December; after the completion of "black Friday" figures; you will see door stoppers.  Door stoppers are another term for a product that makes you stop and say "wow!!!" and you end up buying it, when you don't really need it, but what the heck it only costs $20.00 dollars.  Its the famous Billy Mays pitch, i.e. buy this mascara and get the free cosmetic bag, and if your lucky you'll get the bag in the store, or end up with a coupon which you'll most likely redeem or not.
In  a commitment to circumstances I have done plenty of work on DorothysAttic.com to bring the Holidays early, offer great deals from the beggining and pour over lots of html, marketing persons and doing analytical data of my competitors that sell similar items, and finding no one is doing anything like this at the moment, but things can change and prices could go up or down according to the outlook of pre-beta black fridays.  The fortunate thing is that my inventory dynamically updates every month and I am able to follow the updates so that you don't end up scrambling for a gift at the last moment.  Now if you get stuck, just bye yourself a "door stopper" for yourself, do the lego block fascination thing with your friends, gloat and wallow in your victory and make a general list of a toy you would like your family and friends to have, because at deep down inside your still a Child inside and gift giving shouldn't be reserved for the holidays.