Monday, November 2, 2009

The best of your FriendFeed for Sunday, November 1

The entries below were popular among your friends today. You are receiving this FriendFeed digest daily. You can receive it less frequently or unsubscribe in your email preferences.
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) -

Thomas Power liked this

"It's pretty clear that you are NOT listening. Tell me again where the people are on: HINT: THERE ARE NO PEOPLE!!! These are news brands. Now, tell me again, what is different from that or my tech news brand folder in Google Reader? Not much. Except Google Reader takes my account more than a minute to start up." - Robert Scoble

If Google Reader started up for you in a second or so, would you go back to it? Or would you still prefer the way information is presented to you using Twitter? - Gee Ranasinha
Ken Camp
Ken Camp (Robert Scoble liked this)
Geek And Poke: How To Be Sensitive With Twitter Lists [Why be sensitive? Be REAL] -
Geek And Poke: How To Be Sensitive With Twitter Lists [Why be sensitive? Be REAL]

Robert Scoble, Jack and Sheryl liked this

"How To Be Sensitive With Twitter Lists" - Ken Camp
Marshall Kirkpatrick
Marshall Kirkpatrick (Robert Scoble commented on this)
if Twitter lists = the new authority & Obama is only person more "important" than Pete Cashmore, then all hope is lost.

Atul Arora liked this

Ha. :) - Louis Gray

Authority is NOT how many lists you are on. - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: The Rules Have Changed: Follow ALL Your Twitter Followers Today -

Susan Beebe liked this

"Yes, I still would have deleted everyone. Following back automatically is incredibly lame and shallow. It is NOT a matter of respect. I don't feel any better when someone autofollows me back. It totally messes up your account, too, and invites spammers into your DMs. I don't get spam anymore. I used to get tons of it. And now you've revealed yourself as two-faced anyways. I'd rather people just be honest with me and say "no, I'm not interested in what you write." I really don't understand this belief that you are helping someone by following them back." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"You should follow -- no mess, no fuss. Or, even better, -- you'll get more out of that than following just loudmouth blogs like mine." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) -

"Not true. It's the friends that slow it down. Even the team acknowledges this." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) -

"I love those things about Google Reader but I got over them. Mostly because I have switched from using a desktop computer to using my iPhone for most of my reading." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) -

"Yes, now try to do that 1,500 times when the page refreshes take forever. Sigh." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) -

"Small businesses? Twitter's lists can be used to curate their partners together. Or their favorite customers. Or their favorite tools. I'm using it at Rackspace to demonstrate that I'm following the web hosting industry, for instance. We're also keeping a list of all employees, which makes us more accessible. We also have multiple Twitter accounts, so we are keeping a list of that. And so on and so forth." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"Yes, it sort of is an endorsement. I'm making a list of hosting companies and information sources about hosting companies. By putting companies and people there I am endorsing them and when Rackspace makes its list it will be endorsing them in a way. Luckily we have great competitors worth endorsing." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) -

"Lists are a new feature that Twitter turned on on Friday. You can see lists on my account at -- they are really groups, but are public so you can look at the output of those lists. Click through a few and you'll start to see how powerful they are." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"My lists aren't finished yet and never will be. I aim to have the most complete lists, though, and if you think someone should be on my lists you can DM me." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble

"I'm hurt by people who are faking their inclusion by me more in the long run than if people are honest and leave me off of lists that I don't deserve to be on. Let's be honest, I WILL be hurt that I'm left off of your "best golfers of all time" list. I WOULD love to be on that list. Thing is, I don't deserve to be on it and if you put me on it you'll make your list suck. That said, you're on my favorite geek mommy list and you are on my most important list: the list of people I follow. I read that first before I read any of my lists. Oh, and I'm not done building lists yet. I'm only about 10% done going through my 12,000 followings." - Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble
Re: Why I switch services so often (why I don't use Google Reader anymore) -

"I do a LOT of my feed reading on my iPhone. I didn't realize Firefox would work there. Hint, it does not. So Feedly does NOT work for me. On my desktops I don't use Firefox either. Google Chrome is better." - Robert Scoble
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Xmas around the corner do you have a plan... I do...

Halloween is almost upon us and then Christmas and as usual it hits us by surprise.  Why does it happen you ask, well blame it on the pilgrims why couldn't they pick a better time for Thanksgiving.  Were they wanting to spring Christmas a month earlier, if so then was it a desperate attempt to befriend the local natives before the first snowfall.  We all heard the stories of the first Thanksgiving, but has it fallen away into a distant fog of those grammar school days.  After Thanksgiving comes 'Black Friday' a family activity with our loves one's the Christmas pre-sale, the moment that people either head to the stores in droves, or go buy a Tree or decorations to set the festive mood in motion.

Well I just can't wait for the festivities to begin, I need some holiday cheer after morning my cousins death for about 15 years.  Yes, I know it seems and awfly long time to be morning someone, but then we were like brothers growing up together, which explains little or nothing, you see my cousin was the type that found laughter and joy in everything being the times good or bad, nothing really got him down, he always laughed...

Xmas around the corner and it will come fast and ferious since the economy will start to pick up again, people will be entering new jobs, getting acclimated to the new environment. Exhaustion from trying so hard the first 90days on the job, and catching up with the bills, and wondering if anyone will give you a break.

Well I decided that maybe that break needs to come sooner than later.  Sooner since it will put everything back into motion again, by your purchase your giving someone beside myself, a job, something to do this holiday.  In fact sales figures for halloween have pretty much flatlined, sales were non-existant for the most part and no one is buying.  In fact the two companies that made great sales in my area were giving away bags of selling gold and Lord & Taylor, which fired half its workers, reduced the hours of the other half, took away thier benifits, and then did a family day with the staff they had left.  And this season when you shop your going to experience the same thing, never-ending lines, people fitting over merchandise in the stores, dark parking lots, less than adequate security, lots of cars broken into since some people will do anything to survive, and exhausted sales associates that won't go any faster at the checkout counter, because after so many hours, only rest would really help.

My solution would be to shop at you own pace, don't worry that the news is not reporting local crimes, just buy the Sunday paper and take a look, you might see something weird, dis-information.  Then visit you local court house and find thier schedule full, yes cases are now beyond the six month waiting list, to process a loan re-negotiation it is now taking Wells Fargo and Union Trust over a year before a court date.  Wells Fargo and Union Trust are giving customers 3 days from mailing to receive documentation of hardship, big business is doing everything to make the President look bad.  And the lists of things going wrong just gets longer, but thats because our previous President never cared about us and let things go to congress.  The reason for "CSPAN" broadcasting congressman passing new laws, but the congressman saying, "You don't have to read the articles of the bill", when did Americans lose the right to know about new laws passed in congress, and congressmen will continue to do this for the next two years, until the president finds out, but they kept him busy on other issues, the big smoke screen.

And then my solution would be to be cautious and look at what is waiting, what is happenning and realize, you can shop in the comfort and safety of your home day or night, begin your holiday shopping early, do it in stages and on a budget, so you don't have to rush, first your holiday decorations, then your xmas wish list, then the unexpected visitor wish list.  This will keep your costs down, your stress level low, and hopefully you can avoid from being a victum of the your local mall.