Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Electronic Medical Records or is the reality harder than we think...

I have worked on the Electronic Medical Records question twice in my lifetime for two hospitals and so these are my findings. At one hospital it was built from the ground up and was sucessfully implemented, using loopholes that existed because the regulations permitted its legality. In the second hospital the same question, without the right resources or the fesability of change, end result being that it could be possible, but the wrong technology and the wrong branch of legality made it impossible. In conclusion due to the regulations, and the legality behind the transmission of pertinant data, at this very moment we are at at stand-still, and so the Electronic Medical Record is possible, but hospitals have invested in the wrong technologies, making the whole too costly and impractical, since hospitals want to reduce costs and not invest into a future without some "Return On Investment"...

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